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I'm using Metamask mostly for a crypto card game and was wondering why are fees so high? Also, what makes up gas fees and why does the Metamask fox look like a serial killer? Fees are high on...
I ran across Cake Defi after viewing a website on free airdrop tokens and wanted to know if it was legit. How can the company pay such high returns? Also, what are the risks involved if I invest in...
I've been interested in earning interest with my Crypto and was wondering can BlockFi get hacked? Also, how safe is my Crypto and how does the company even make money? Yes, Blockfi can get Hacked...
Hey, I've been interested in cryptocurrency lately and was curious if I could mine Dogecoin. Keep reading and I'll share the easiest way possible to get Dogecoin for FREE. I'll also share how you can...
Lately, I've been interested in Bitcoin and was wondering can anyone fork Bitcoin? Also, what is a fork and why does it take place? Anyone can fork Bitcoin, but implementing it takes a large group...
Being late to buy Bitcoin I was wondering will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in the future? Should I buy Etherium and what is the difference between them? Ethereum could overtake Bitcoin in the...